Saturday, February 14, 2009

Visit to Old Folks Home on 6th February

So, about the last friday, we went Velvet Glory to visit old folks. It's a private old folks home a stone's throw from our school. apparently, they are not poor, most of them went in because their sons/daughters were busy with works and didn't have time to take care of them. the weird thing is that; according to the nurses, those in second floor had problems with walking, why don't they move them downstairs right? okay continue, we went to distribute mandarin oranges to the old folks and had some games with them. Only those in ground floor get to join in game, don't ask me why. So, few members were upstairs chatting and listening to the old folks, some were singing with the old folks, they are cute, seriously. Well, I don't really know what's happening at the ground floor. I guess i'll just let the pictures do most of the talking.

Ground floor

First floor

more pictures please visit our picasa or flickr.
will update those in a week time or more.
the photos are not in my hand yet.

before i end this post, here's a video.

aw, cute ahma singing!


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